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Serious Diseases Transmitted by Pets

اذهب الى الأسفل

Serious Diseases Transmitted by Pets Empty Serious Diseases Transmitted by Pets

مُساهمة من طرف Admin الجمعة يوليو 27, 2018 10:48 am

[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]

The upbringing of a dog or cat health improvement, ease the tension, away the specter of exposure to obesity and cardiovascular diseases and stroke because their owners walking with their pets daily.

The study Baker Medical Research Institute in the Australian city of Melbourne that those acquiring pets have low pressure, low cholesterol levels, regardless of the Diet Weight block index and income level and habits of the other.

The other study, supervised by US researchers from the University of Missouri and included 200 people suffering from depression and Extendable pets, the suffering of these clearly decreased compared with others do not have the animals.

In a study published in the periodical of "Ibm" psychiatric researcher discovered Helen Brooks and colleagues from the British University of Manchester, the pets helped the patients to control their feelings through their concern about the disturbing experiences and symptoms, as an incentive for them to exercise and physical activity.

Doctors noted that raising pets, limit the growing negative sentiments, contributing to the development of the positive sentiments, and it is the best weapon to kill boredom and fighting unit and filling the vacuum, and play a positive role in the evaluation of the behavior of children who suffer from emotional problems.

Studies reported that pets help people who struggle with the disease. As shown in the previous study issued by the American Heart Association that older persons and those who underwent surgical operations with pets, Akie Abe responded better treatment, were healed to recovery more quickly.

Despite all these benefits, and the pros, it could be pet computer to convey to you, some killer diseases, it took five of them is considered the most serious:

Toxoplasmosis performance, due mainly to the parasitic infection where his name Toxoplasma Gondi, and injures the disease mainly owners of cats. It is very dangerous to people who suffer from a weak immune for possible infection of the convulsions and infections in the central nervous system. Pregnant women strongly caution from touching cats or special tools Because Toxoplasmosis infection may get it, and the other is that it travels to the fetus, which increases the risk of being exposed to unsafe abortion and congenital diseases, inflammation of the eye, the inflation of the liver, spleen, and perhaps the loss of sight and hearing and mental retardation.

Performance is the prevention of toxoplasmosis traveling through the cats fending off or to deal with it in the right during the cleaning of their own tools.

- The performance salmonella bacteria, and are picking up this disease usually from contaminated food, but it can be that the dissolution bill will have pets, especially dogs and cats, turtles, birds and horses.

Salmonella performance causes a storm of symptoms, such as drought, diarrhea, fever and abdominal cramps by which lasts for about a week.

If you suspect that your pet contaminated with salmonella contact your call the vet test for salmonella, in wait for the preferred method in this case is the washing of the hands after touching the animal or dealing with its own purposes.

- Lyme disease, a disease which is dangerous because it can lead to complications extend to the heart and central nervous system of the eye. The incidence of diabetes receives lime through the bites of TICKS to be deposited in the skin of an infected person Borrelia bacteria, which cause suffering from the symptoms are difficult to identify their origin, most notably the pain in the joints, chronic fatigue, psychological disorders, and other. The pet could be carrying insect ticks, so it is very necessary to ensure clean Asepsis Ticks, fleas,.

- The performance of recycled worm, and cats, large and small, that the movement of the LARVAE of the worm in their faces and for human rights, and 87,000 this disease each year, thousands of children, the injured person suffers from cough, shortness of breath, and pain in the stomach, and the exit of the blood in the stool. If not treated the parasite that causes the disease, it may lead to blindness and neurological damage. Prevention queue, keep the cat in the house to prevent the worm outside the capture, and care must be taken to clean the animal and tools, as well as great care to wash hands.

Chlamydias performance flu, the infection through inhalation of volatile particles of Bird droppings from drylands, particularly PARROTS. Infected people suffer from muscle pain, fever, chills, perhaps the best thing that can be done for protection from pollution and household scraps flu drylands money bird cages regularly to care for the protection of the mouth, nose and eyes.

- Wounded Cat, performance and results of the germ can be picked up by the person injured or the bite cat, almost half of the cats carrying the germ. And gives the disease manifestations of distance from the flu, such as fever, headache, lack of appetite and fatigue, redness of eyes and swelling of the lymph nodes. It can result in serious complications of this disease, especially those affecting the heart valves. We must reduce the risk of infection with the disease to make sure of the CLEANLINESS of the cat, and avoid rough play with them, and if results Stats correct or bite it must be washed thoroughly with soap and water palace.


عدد المساهمات : 260
نقاط : 1202
تاريخ التسجيل : 21/03/2011
العمر : 34
الموقع : https://worldlanguages.forumegypt.net/


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